I’ve been back in London now for a couple of days; it’s so good to be back! I was 3.5 weeks in the Netherlands and, while it was good to see family again, I was glad to come back home. Plus I had two new roommates to meet: our two newly adopted cats, Casey and Dusty!
I haven’t blogged much since I’ve been back, mainly because of these two. They’re so cute! Here’s a pic of me and Dusty:

Dusty is the more quiet one of the two, but likes to be held (and cuddled). He’s a bit on the skinny side, so we’re making sure he gets enough food. He’s got a little square bit of white near his neck, but is completely red for the rest:

Casey is clearly the more dominant one of the two, but can be really sweet too. He’s got white paws and a huge piece of white fur around his neck.

Neither of them will settle on your lap, and I’m still wondering if I can turn them into proper lap cats. They will come and sit next to you though, and both of them are completely mushy and let you do anything to them. I’m still trying to get the hang of everything, but it’s so much fun getting to know these two.