This isn’t fair! Why do Threadless keep on making awesome tees that I have to own?! The Nightmare Before Christmas is one my favourite movies; I try to rewatch every year near Halloween. Threadless recently held a design challenge to create a tee based on the movie, and the chosen designs are so awesome.

My favourite is The Starry Nightmare one (although the t-shirt photo is nicer than the normal image. Sidenote: why is girl in the photo wearing polka dot leggings?? No. Wrong. Go back to start.). I’d love to have a print of this on my wall; can you imagine this one alongside a print Van Gogh’s Exploding TARDIS? Which tee is your favourite?

The Starry Nightmare

The Nightmare

Jack & Friends


Oogie Boogie

And Sit Together, Now and Forever

Making Christmas

Jack Skellington’s Christmas Plan