It’s alive, it’s alive…
For the past 5 months, I’ve been working on FutureLearn, a massive online open course system backed by the Open University, and on Wednesday it went live. Registered users will be able to signup for courses from a wide range of topics, like Begin Programming and The Secret Power of Brands, with the first courses running in October. Here’s a short intro video:
The past week has been hectic, awesome, fun and exciting. I got to go to the press event on Wednesday morning and it’s been cool to see the responses of everyone and the news coverage it has generated. FutureLearn has gotten pieces on the BBC, the Telegraph, Times Higher Education, Techcrunch and more. This is the first time a project I’ve worked on has had this amount of coverage, but it’s been so much fun to work on it all.
For the rest of Wednesday we were in standby mode for most of the day, just in case anything went haywire, but it was also a day of celebrating with pub lunch, champagne and cupcakes:

You can sign up at Let me know in the comments below if you’ve enrolled on any of the courses; I’m excited to see what you all think of it!