A Video A Day: Nerd Girls

March 14th, 2008

Episode 44: “Oh, I’ve been transformed… into your dream girl”

This first video is a bit cheesy and I honestly don’t find it that funny. It’s a hotline with nerd girls that will talk nerdy to you and do “standard” nerdy things for/with you like light saber fighting. Sigh…

This second video is a pretty funny response to that first one by nerd girl zendulo, enraged by them claiming that nerd girls don’t exist. She proceeds to proove her nerdiness.

I always see myself more as a geek, but I have to admit I know:

  1. what TIE fighter stands for.
  2. the names of all Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,
  3. which colour each of them are,
  4. which weapon each one of them wields.
  5. the Lord of the Rings ring inscription by heart.
  6. what Mandalorian armor is.

Does this make me more of a nerd? Nah, I’m much more of a geek. Besides, Miss Nerdy doesn’t sound nearly as cool as Miss Geeky does!