Miss Geeky Elsewhere:

  • Interview at FutureBook Hack: I was a judge and mentor at FutureBook Hack and got interviewed about hackdays!
  • Running the British 10K: This Sunday I’ll be running the British 10K! I’m kind of dreading it by now. I’m running better than I did last year, but I still haven’t managed to hit 10k yet (I did 5k last weekend… just). We’re raising money for Computer Aid, a great charity that refurbishes old computers for non-profits and schools.
  • Why run an internal hackday: I wrote my first post on the FutureLearn blog about how and why we ran our first internal hackday.
  • My slides from Ladies Who Code: A couple weeks back I gave a talk at Ladies Who Code about my win at #AgileHack. Here are the slides:

Interesting links


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