Here Comes The Bride, All Dressed In… Hello Kitty?
Yes, as the title of this post proclaims, the plague that is Hello Kitty has now also spread to wedding dresses. I’m guessing they were thinking: “hey if Disney can do it, why can’t we?”
The most expensive of the bunch goes for about $4000 and is pink, pink and… well, pink:
The rest are not as exuberant as that, but also not what you’d typically think as a wedding dress. This next one has big heart stuck on your bosom, with more hearts surrounding the hem of the dress:
Even without the little Hello Kitty logo, I’d be hard-pressed to wear this dress. The fur is just too much (or not enough, I can easily imagine winter dresses with fur, but then it’s actually practical), it’s the “I want to be a cuddly toy!” dress:
Hmm. As a “fancy dress” dress this would be fine, but a wedding dress?
From all the dresses in the bunch, I like this one the most. The Hello Kitty is almost unnoticeable and it doesn’t feel to costume-y. Still it doesn’t look like your typical wedding dress.
[Via Wedding Bells Blog]