Episode 62: “Time’s up”

A week ago I did a guest blog post about Apple Spotting and I came across this video showing the product placement used in Independence Day. It’s part of a series by YouTuber JediMoonShyne, featuring the product placements in all different movies.

Episode 61: “My name is Amy Walker”

I love the quirkiness of accents. Everyone has got one, although with some it may be more pronounced than others. After moving to London, I was surprised to hear that people could hear my accent. Well, not surprised in that they noticed I had an accent, but more amazed how exact some could pinpoint where I was from. I’ve had people recognize I’m from the Netherlands, others that recognize the Australian bit, and a couple that managed to hear both in my voice.

Anyhow, here’s a cool little video where one woman does 21 different accents:

Episode 60: “And I’m commando too, they shoot me from here up.”

These videos are almost from a year ago from the SciFi Digital Press Panel with the Battlestar Galactica cast, featuring Aaron Douglas, Michael Hogan, Jamie Bamber, Grace Park, Tahmoh Penikett and executive producer Harvey Frand. It was during the shooting of the episodes we’re watching now, but they’re mainly talking about their experiences with (famous) fans and the evolution of their characters (so no spoilers).

I still am surprised every time I hear Jamie Bamber’s accent, even though I first saw him as Archie in Hornblower. And Aaron Douglas is hilarious! He is so different to his character on the show. It’s a long video (about 46 minutes), but if you’re a fan, it’s worth watching.

Episode 59: “But I can’t relax”

Just because I can, here’s a cute video of kittens playing with a tissue box:

It makes me want to have cats again, but I’ll have to wait till I have a larger apartment. Two cats preferably; one for me and for Cristiano (he’s already decided he wants to name his cat Stark).

Episode 58: “If you like explosions. Or guns. Or cops. Or swans”

Hot Fuzz is only now being released in cinemas in Japan, after fans demanded and petitioned for an actual theatrical release. This video clip comes from Simon Pegg’s and Edgar Wright’s blog and shows them recording a promotional clip for the Japanese Hot Fuzz release. Both blogs are worth checking out; there are some great, funny stories on them.

Episode 57: *click*

I’m somebody who always has to fiddle with something when listening to a lecture or when I’m in a meeting. Just need to keep my hands occupied (do you know how many pens I’ve broken because I was unconsciously messing around with them?). Anyhow this seems like the perfect toy gadget:

I so want one of these!

Episode 56: “Awesometeen”

The more I hear about it, the more I can’t wait for Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. This video is a short interview Neil Patrick Harris did with EW. He not only talks about Dr Horrible, but also his role in Harold and Kumar 2 and what he thought of Jason Segal (his How I Met Your Mother costar) in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Episode 55: “Never think I need backup plans”

This video was featured on /Film yesterday and it’s too good not to repost it here. And having rewatched Raiders of the Lost Ark myself only just last night, it seemed appropriate.

Episode 54: “Cute bike, aww”

In my previous post I talked about The Dark Knight ARG event, which led to a showing of the newest trailer (which I missed) in 12 major cities. At each screening one lucky person won a reel with the trailer on it and everybody thought it was only the trailer they had just all seen. And it is. Kind of.

The reel contains the exact same trailer, only every single frame in it has been defaced by the Joker! Chris Presswell, the winner of the London reel, discovered this first and you can find photographs of almost every frame on his blog. Some of the “comments” of the Joker are pure brilliance (I had to laugh at the “Me me me” and “Boring part”).

Now some of the other reels have actually been played in a projector and for our convenience been put on YouTube. So far we’ve got the Chicago reel and Dallas reel, and I’m sure the reels from other cities will follow soon. The cool part is the defacings were all done by hand and they differ between the featured reels. I’m curious to see if there’s also something of a hidden clue in this all.

The Chicago reel:

The Dallas reel:

Episode 53: “What?

A couple more days and Lost will be back with more episodes. Lost can be pretty confusing and this video only highlights this even more: