I thought I’d do a quick post with a couple of awesome events I’ll be attending/speaking at soon. There are still tickets available for all of these events; let me know in the comments if you’re going too!

PrimeConf is a conference on the 13th of June at the Royal Institution, celebrating great British technology and technologists. Taking a countrywide approach they’ve invited guest speakers from around Britain to talk about what they know and what they do. They’ll will also be live streaming the event so everyone who wants to can watch regardless of location. Tickets are still available for £149.

FutureBook Hack invites developers, designers and entrepreneurs to come together for a weekend of brainstorming and problem solving in a previously untapped sector: book publishing. The goal of the event is to bring fresh eyes to an established industry, to tackle the challenges facing book publishing, to adapt to a changing landscape and to help readers discover the perfect book. I’m happy to announce that I’ll be a judge and a mentor at this!

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers by creating a global, connected community of women in technology. I’ll be speaking at their meetup on July 22nd about DDD: Disney Driven Development. The talk will be about Disney’s Four Keys of the Kingdom and how we can apply those principles to our work as web developers.