I haven’t done this type of post for a while now and a lot of trailers have come out since then. I’m hoping I’ve got most of them covered, but one or two might have slipped through my fingers. There are 14 trailers in total. If you don’t want to go through them all, check out at least The Fall, Step Brothers and The Incredible Hulk.

Madagascar: The Crate Escape
Wow, what a clever title! Cause it’s like in the first movie they were in crates, but then they escape, but it also means like great escape; it’s just so smart! The trailer to this sequel of Madagascar is just as awkward as the previous sentence. Instead of having a normal trailer, they had to bring in a live-action Ben Stiller to tell us what the film is about. Why?? The movie looks just like more of the first one. As long as the penguins get more screen time though, I’ll gladly watch this movie. [Trailer]

What was the person that made these two trailers thinking? The first one came out back in September and, while it captures the idea and feel of the movie, it gave way too much away. There are parts in the trailer that I think spoil the movie. Why would a studio do this? Don’t they want people to go to their movies? I should write a post purely on this; studios do this way too often. The movie stars Heroes’ Milo Ventimiglia as part of a group of pathology students playing a secret after-hours game of committing the perfect murder. Although I think it will turn out to be predictable, it sounds interesting enough. The second trailer seems a bit meh; you get no idea at all what the movie will be about and just seems a bit pointless. My tip: skip the first trailer, watch the second one and hope there will be a third trailer coming soon. [Trailer 1] [Trailer 2]


Iron Man
Again another Iron Man trailer. I’ve been psyched for this movie for ages and it’s definitely going to be a showdown between Iron Man and The Dark Knight as THE comic book movie of the year (although my bet’s still on The Dark Knight). [Trailer]

The Love Guru
It’s been six years since Mike Myers‘ last original character Austin Powers and I was quite curious to see what he would come up with next. While I wasn’t that much of a fan of Austin Powers, it did have it’s funny moments. Judging from this trailer though makes me think The Love Guru will come nowhere near the antics of Austin Powers. It looks absolutely afwul! Add Jessica Alba as love interest and Justin Timberlake as a French gyrating something and you’ve got yourself a movie I’ll avoid like hell. [Trailer]

The Love Guru

Meet Bill
Oh no, take cover! Another Jessica Alba movie! Run for your lives! Talentless bimbo aside, Meet Bill could turn out to be a sweet little movie. Aaron Eckhart plays Bill, a guy who’s fed up with his job and cheating wife, but takes on the role of mentor for a kid (known throughout the movie only as The Kid). Besides Alba and Eckhart, the film stars Elizabeth Banks (Scrubs, Definitely, Maybe), Timothy Olyphant (Die Hard 4.0, Hitman), Logan Lerman (as The Kid, 3:10 To Yuma) and SNL regulars Kristen Wiig and Jason Sudeikis. [Trailer]

10,000 B.C.
This movie is coming out today here in UK, but here’s one more final trailer to convince you why not to see this movie. Egyptian pyramids built with the help of mammoths; a tribe full of white people with dreads, eskimos and Native Americans; Scandinavian/Egyptian/Viking demon warriors; this movie is full of stuff that historically don’t make sense. /Film sums it up pretty good: “if you can understand titling this movie “The Jurassic Apocalypto Pathfinder the Day after Tomorrow”, you’d understand it completely and not need to see it.” [Trailer]

10000 B.C.

The Visitor
This is a small indie film that made it’s debut at Sundance in January. If you like emotional life stories with a touch of tear-jerkiness, this film is for you. It’s about a widower who after a long stay away finds two squatters in his apartment. Instead of kicking them out, he let’s them stay and becomes friends with the two. It’s not my type of movie, but I know a couple of you out there who would like this film. [Trailer]

Sex and the City: The Movie
I kind of feel obliged to also list this trailer, but I am definitely not one of those woman who are jumping up and down hysterically for this movie. I was never a fan of the TV show; I tried to watch a couple of episodes, but failed to see what all the fuss was about. Anyhow, for of all you girls out there that loved the series, here’s the trailer. [Trailer]

Sex and the City

Yes, again another Wanted trailer. They don’t really show any new clips; you’ve got the same “shoot the target, bend the bullet” scene, the “Angelina Jolie hangs out of a car” scene and the “Angelina Jolie on a train bending backward to fit under a tunnel” scene. But somehow the trailer feels more coherent, with a bit more backstory than the previous ones. [Trailer]

The Fall
Once in a while you come across a trailer of a movie you’ve never heard of and it blows you away. There’s such a magical and enchanting vibe coming from this trailer, kind of a cross between Hero, The Princess Bride and Equilibrium. It stars Lee Pace (Pushing Daisies) as a bedridden man in a hospital who tells a girl a fantasy story, picturing hospital staff, other patients and themselves as the main characters. You can find the trailer on the movie’s website, along with some beautiful screenshots. [Website]

The Fall

Funny Games
The first (normal) trailer for Funny Games appeared a while ago [Trailer 1], but I like this second one more. It’s got this quirkiness to it, which seems so contrary to the actual atmosphere of the movie. Funny Games is about two psychopaths that take a family hostage, forcing them to play all kinds of nasty games. I’ve heard a lot about this movie, with half of the people hating it and the other half loving it. I’m curious to see how it all will turn out. [Trailer 2]

Step Brothers
This is one of those movie that just seems so silly, so stupid, you just can’t imagine it could ever be funny. I have no idea how the actual movie is going to be, but the trailer of Step Brothers got me laughing. Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly play
two spoiled jobless living-at-their-parents guy, who become step brothers after their single parents get married. [Trailer]

Step Brothers

A Necessary Death
This film debuted at SXSW last weekend and I heard that not everybody understood it was a work of fiction. Three film students place an add to find someone who wants to commit suicide, so they can follow the person in his/her final days and make a documentary about it. The whole process of placing the add, holding auditions and so on, is filmed by a fellow student (the real director of the movie). So it’s a fake documentary about the creation of a controversial documentary. [Trailer]

The Incredible Hulk
Remember that bad movie a couple of years ago about this guy that turns into a big green monster? Yeah, just forget that entire movie. The Incredible Hulk isn’t a sequel, but a complete retelling of the comic hero’s story. With Edward Norton and Liv Tyler on board the acting should be fine, but after watching the trailer I’m not sure about the rest of film. I still find the visual effects of the Hulk not up to scratch; it stills seems completely out of place. [Trailer]

The Incredible Hulk

A Video A Day: Nerd Girls

March 14th, 2008

Episode 44: “Oh, I’ve been transformed… into your dream girl”

This first video is a bit cheesy and I honestly don’t find it that funny. It’s a hotline with nerd girls that will talk nerdy to you and do “standard” nerdy things for/with you like light saber fighting. Sigh…

This second video is a pretty funny response to that first one by nerd girl zendulo, enraged by them claiming that nerd girls don’t exist. She proceeds to proove her nerdiness.

I always see myself more as a geek, but I have to admit I know:

  1. what TIE fighter stands for.
  2. the names of all Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,
  3. which colour each of them are,
  4. which weapon each one of them wields.
  5. the Lord of the Rings ring inscription by heart.
  6. what Mandalorian armor is.

Does this make me more of a nerd? Nah, I’m much more of a geek. Besides, Miss Nerdy doesn’t sound nearly as cool as Miss Geeky does!

Interesting links for March 7th through March 10th:

Tags: Links

Episode 43: “On the bed, on the floor, on a towel by the door”

These videos have been doing the rounds lately (at least the first one has) and they’re hilarious. The first is a clip from Jimmy Kimmel’s show during an interview with his girlfriend, stand-up comedian Sarah Silverman, where she’s got an important video to show him.

The second is a response to the video from Jimmy Kimmel and it’s got a surprising star-studded cast. How many celebrities can you spot?

Interesting links for February 27th:

  • Evolution of Nintendo Characters – The various depictions of Mario, Link and Donkey Kong throughout the years. Those last ones though aren’t in-game, right?
  • Playboy Towel – When you hear “Playboy towel” I bet you’re thinking it’s a pink towel with the rabbit on it, right? It isn’t. This is slightly different. I can’t imagine a girl actually getting this towel and using it.
  • The neurobiology of the Mona Lisa’s smile – Pretty neat explanation of why Mona Lisa’s smile looks so mysterious.
  • mydeco – Cool design-your-room web app. Not the first of it’s kind, but better than the ones I’ve seen so far.
  • Hitchcock Classics – Again the collection of Hitchcock photos, but now from the original source (Vanity Fair).
Tags: Links

Interesting links for February 23rd through February 25th:

  • The Clbuttic Mistake – The Daily WTF – Hehe, brilliant. A clbuttic tale. Another reason to always proofread anything you write.
  • Dating Sites For Geeks – For all you single geeks out there: The Great Geek Manual got a list of all the geek dating sites out there. Find your own geeky girl/boyfriend.
  • Spell with flickr – Cool little site that let’s you create words with images from flickr.
Tags: Links

Happy Birthday To Moi

February 23rd, 2008

Sometimes I’m not the brightest. For some weird insane thinking I thought it would be okay to schedule the second wisdom tooth removal 1 week before my birthday. True, I booked it only minutes after I had done the first one, not fully realizing how long it would take to get better (last time it was also “only” 11 days before Christmas). But you would think I could have maybe thought it through a bit more better. Sigh. So here I am, drowsy as anything with a sore cheek/mouth/jaw and barely able to eat on my birthday. Yes, sometimes I’m not the brightest.

As far as birthday’s go though, it been pretty okay. Lots of best wishes and birthday cards, be it virtually or physically (what’s the correct opposite of “virtual”? I’ve been racking my brain over this, but I can’t come op with the right word) and a great bunch of birthday presents (I’ll blog about this later). I’ve stayed most of the day on the couch (what else can I do?) watching dvds: No Country For Old Men, Blades of Glory, 1408 and the new Knightrider pilot. Being the movie geek I am though, what more can a geeky girl wish for?

Tags: Personal

Tooth Hurty 3

February 23rd, 2008

I haven’t blogged in almost a week, but then again it hasn’t been exactly my perfect week. Last Monday I got my second wisdom tooth removed (both bottom teeth were impacted) and, believe it or not, the surgery itself was even worse than for the first tooth. The aftermath though seems to be a whole lot smoother, so thank god for that.

With the previous tooth, the surgeon first drilled through the tooth and then sawed through it, eventually breaking it into two and pulling both parts (the top and the root) out. This time around it felt as though the surgeon literally was attacking the tooth. He would drill a bit, break a bit off, drill again, break again a bit off and so on. Plus unlike the other nice surgeon that explained every single thing to me, this guy barely spoke to me and when he did it felt very condescending.

It somehow also felt way rougher than last time. I even got a bit of bruising around my left mouth corner, where he kept pulling my mouth open. Also the way he put the stitches in wasn’t that pleasant. I think, I got at least four stitches now. I’m not really sure; the guy didn’t tell me and I also can’t really see in my mouth how many there are. They also put a iodine soaked gauze into the wound, hoping that it would prevent an infection such as last time. It will be taken out next Monday; let’s hope it did it’s job.

As expected after such a rough procedure, it also hurt a lot more when I came out of it. The anesthetic hadn’t even worn off yet and I was already in pain. It swelled up in a different manner than on my right side and it hurt right down to my collarbone. Hooray, for painkillers though! I only get so drowsy from that stuff; I’ve slept most of the last 6 days.

So what’s my status now? The good news is the swelling is almost gone and I’ve barely had any real bruising. It hurts, but with painkillers it’s bearable. The bad news? I still haven’t got any feeling in half of my bottom lip and chin. I think they hit a nerve, which depending on the damage can take days, weeks or months to heal. I’m hoping it will be sooner rather than later. I’ve also got no way to know if it’s gotten infected or not. I’ve kept it clean, but then again I did so last time and it also got infected then.

Monday morning I’ll be going to the hospital to get that gauze removed. Fingers crossed that all goes well. I’ll still have to get my top wisdom teeth removed, but luckily they’re not impacted, so it shouldn’t be such a hassle as with these bottom ones.

Tags: Personal

Interesting links for February 17th through February 22nd:

Tags: Links

Here’s a roundup of all the interesting tidbits of movie news I’ve heard this week:

Sly Back For More
I never watched the Rambo or Rocky series, so I wasn’t that interested in the new installments of those series. I loved almost every other classic Sly action movie though. Now, Sylvester Stallone has signed up to direct and star in two more action films and rumours are that the first will be a sequel to Cliffhanger. Coolness! Although, I do have got my heart set on a second Demolition Man or Judge Dredd. “I Am The Law” [Via FirstShowing]


Smurf Alert
The film you’ve all been waiting for: The Smurfs in 3D. Seriously, do we need this movie?? Somehow this movie is going to suck big time. I’d much rather have a live action movie. Now that would be hilarious. Coming Soon has some production stills up, showing some of the new computer models. [Via ComingSoon]

Ellen Page (Juno) and Cillian Murphy (Batman Begins, Sunshine) are set to star in the psychological thriller, Peacock. Set in the town of Peacock, Nebrask, Murphy will play a man with a split personality, who fools the town into believing his alter egos are a married couple. Page will play a “struggling young mother who holds the key to his past and sparks a battle between the personalities.” It sound like an interesting concept and if anybody can pull off a creepy split personality androgynous role, it’s got to be Cillian Murphy. Add Page to the mix and you’ve got one hell of a movie. [Via Variety]

Cillian MurphyEllen Page

CBS Series Renewed
Yes, this is TV news, not movie news, but I couldn’t let it slip by without mentioning it. CBS has renewed 11 TV shows for the 2008-2009 season: Big Bang Theory, Cold Case, Criminal Minds, CSI, CSI: Miami, CSI: New York, Ghost Whisperer, NCIS, Numb3rs, Two and A Half Men and Without A Trace. The most surprising absentee from this list How I Met Your Mother. This doesn’t mean the show has been canceled, only that it hasn’t been renewed yet, hopefully with the emphasis on “yet”. I find it weird though that Big Bang Theory gets renewed before HIMYM. As much as I like the Big Bang it’s not as funny as HIMYM. [Via AICN]

The Many Faces of Dr. Parnassus
After the death of Heath Ledger, the fate of his last movie The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus seemed uncertain. In the story Ledger’s character falls through a magic mirror into different worlds and there was a rumour that they would use different actors for the different worlds. Now it’s been confirmed that three actors have stepped up to offer their interpretations of Ledger as a way of tribute: Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell. I can’t imagine a more appropriate homage to such a talented actor. And damn, how much hotness could you put in one movie? [Via AICN]

Johnny DeppJude LawColin Farrell


Tags: Movies