I’m paranoid about leaving the house without my keys, so I’ve got a special spot in the house where I always leave them. Still this could also work:

It’s only £14.95 on thabto and would make a cute present for someone who always misplaces their keys!

Via ChipChick

The Golden Globes were yesterday and I managed to stay up to watch a live stream of it. The actual awards were mostly quite predictable with The Social Network winning Best Picture Drama and Best Director.

I always love checking out the gorgeous dresses at these type of awards shows, and this year the one that stood out for me was Olivia Wilde. Her dress is just so pretty:

I’m not surprised though; a lot of the dresses she’s worn in the past have been favourites of mine. My all time award show favourite (that I’d so buy if I had an award show to go to) is this ivory Reem Acra:

Very Disney princess, right?

A couple of weeks before Christmas I got an email about whether I wanted to host my own Karaoke party courtesy of T-Mobile. They’d provide a Lucky Voice box to setup everything I’d need for karaoke at home and some vouchers for food and decorations. Cool, right?

So I held a TV show themed karaoke party! I ended up dressing as Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl, and made some awesome TV show inspired cocktails. We created the Walter Bishop (a White Russian with a scoop of cookie dough ice cream), the True Blood (Southern Comfort and raspberry juice), the Miss Geeky Margarita (normal margarita with passion fruit), the Charles Carmichael (espresso Martini), and the most awesome Big Bang Slippery Nipple Grasshopper Concoction (Sambuca, Baileys and Creme de Menthe).

The Party box I received contained everything you need to setup a karaoke night at home. It had a neon pink microphone, a karaoke mixer, a 5m microphone cable and more cables to connect the mixer to your computer or hi-fi. Next to that it also comes with a month’s unlimited access to Lucky Voice home (worth £7.99). Once the month has expired you can easily top up your account with either song credits (50 songs for £4.99, 100 songs for £7.50, 250 songs for £12.50 or 500 songs for £19.99) or unlimited singing offers (24 hours singing for £3.99, 1 month for £7.99, 6 months for £29.99 or 1 year for £49.99).

The karaoke was really easy to setup and the Lucky Voice website is very easy to use. We’ve got a Mac Mini connected to our TV in our living room, which was perfect for karaoke! The Lucky Voice site has over 7500 songs and most of the ones I was looking were there (I think I managed to come up with a couple I couldn’t find, but I don’t remember anymore which ones those were).

The Lucky Voice party box is great if you want to organize a karaoke party at home. If you want to try it out though, T-Mobile are currently offering their customers a free Karaoke night in (just text ‘Lucky’ to 3000 and you’ll receive a special code for 24 hour access to Lucky Voice).

Book Lust: Merlin’s Harp

January 14th, 2011

Isn’t this cover gorgeous?


The book is a reissue of a 1995 book, so it’s not really ‘new’ (although I don’t think it’s been in print for a long time). It’s about Niviene, the daughter of the Lady of the Lake, and retells the Arthurian legend from the perspective of the faerie folk.

Merlin’s Harp by Regina McBride is available on Amazon.co.uk for £4.99 and on Amazon.com for $7.99.

Tee-rrific: I Heart Ninjas

January 14th, 2011

I bought this tee yesterday at the David & Goliath store in Carnaby Street:

Cute, right? It was only £10 (instead of the £20 you normally pay for it).

I saw this dress on Jessica’s What I Wore blog and it’s just so cute! I love the cut and the different coloured stripes make this dress so adorable.

I’m really tempted to get it, but it’s not exactly in my price range (it’s $115.99 on ModCloth). And I’m a bit hesitant to buy clothes online; I always have trouble finding clothes that fit great (small waist, but wide hips).

Tags: Me Wantz

Before Christmas (and before I got annoyingly sick), I attended the Tron Frisbee Battle flashmob. It was a lot of fun, even though only a couple of people showed because of the snow.

Interesting links of the week:

  • Cat vs Internet: So spot on. I love the graph the cat makes!
  • Nightmare Before Christmas Tree: Now this is the tree I want next Christmas!
  • The Noun Project: Cool project to “share, celebrate, and enhance the world’s visual language. Our goal is to collect and organize all the symbols that form our language into one easy-to-use online library that can be accessed by anyone.
  • Cwora: “This “Cwora” thing everyone’s talking about is a bit rubbish” from Tom Scott.
  • How London Buses Are Numbered: great response from TFL about bus numbers.
  • Fall 2011 TV Show Scripts: interesting list of potential new TV shows for next season. I’m intrigued by 17th Precinct (world ruled by magic, not science), Emerald City (re-imagining of the The Wizard of Oz, set in Gotham) and True Lies (based on the 1994 feature film).
Tags: Links

Trailerrific: Mass Effect 3

January 6th, 2011

One good thing that came from being sick the past 3 weeks was that I finally was able to finish Mass Effect, jump right into Mass Effect 2 and complete that too. I’m now so looking forward to the next and final part!

I’ll do a full review some time soon, but Mass Effect is a great game for sci-fi fans. I realized that for me it really fills the void left by sfi-fi tv shows. It’s like a mix of Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek, with it’s own epic world of space exploration and aliens. I know I’m way behind on this (Mass Effect 1 came out in 2007), but it’s a brilliant game and a good place to start if till so far you’re a non-gamer.

And finally here’s the trailer for the 3rd part:

A very bleated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone! It’s been way too long since I last posted something here. I’ve been sick for the past three weeks with an annoying flu, and I’ve only just recovered from it.


The week before Christmas we visited family in the Netherlands to celebrate Christmas there slightly early, but for most of it I was feeling so weak and ill. We flew back on Christmas eve without any problems (other than me being way to weak to carry the suitcase) which kind of surprised me. With the snow and everything I was completely expecting for something to go wrong. Anyway, this was the first Christmas that me and Cristiano were alone for and we thought we’d do our own 4 course Christmas dinner. Yeah… we were both way too sick. We stopped after the second course to nap for a couple of hours.

So my holiday has pretty much been lots of sleeping, watching movies, playing Mass Effect (I finished both 1 and 2, yay me!) and cuddling the cats… hmm, pretty sure if I wasn’t sick, that would have been my holiday anyway!

Tags: Christmas