Cool Stuff: CharityBox

February 12th, 2013

Today’s “Cool Stuff” edition is a bit different: CharityBox is something I’ve been working on for the past 2 months! I think it’s a great idea (although I might be a bit biased) and wanted to share it with you all.

CharityBox is a browser extension that allows you to raise money for charities by shopping online. Links to online shops are automatically turned into affiliate links and if you buy something from that shop a percentage goes to charity. Beyond that though the extension also shows voucher codes giving you discounts and special offers.


It’s currently available in Chrome and Firefox, so try it out and let us know what you think! We’re working hard to get a Safari one up and running, plus we’re constantly adding new features. For now, we’ve chosen one charity to which all the raised money goes to (this month it’s Dogs Trust), but we’ll be adding the ability for you to choose your own charities soon. We’ll also be adding a more social element to it all where you can see how much your friends have raised and for which charities.

If this all sounds slightly familiar, you’re right: I’ve written about CharityBox before. Two years ago we won the second CharityHack with this idea and got flown over to San Francisco. Back then we couldn’t find the time to take the idea further and create a stable version. Well, now we finally have!

Do you like the idea of CharityBox? Go ahead: install it, try it, tweet about it and raise money for charities!

Tags: Geeky

Links of The Day: Link Hard

February 5th, 2013
  • Engineering the London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony: It’s interesting to see a behind-the-scenes of the tech used during the opening ceremony.
  • Mercator Puzzle: Simple browser game where you need to drag and drop the countries to their right spot.
  • The Jane Austen Word List: Historical fiction author Mary Robinette Kowal wanted to get her vocabulary for the “Jane Austen” era right, so you created a spellcheck dictionary based on all the works of Jane Austen.
  • Why I Play Violent Video Games: Interesting post by Maddy Myers about how she got into games. I came across the post through the awesome image “Gamer Girl” featured below.



Tags: Geeky, Links

This marketing campaign from Lego is awesome. To celebrate Lego’s 55 year anniversary Montreal-based creative agency Brad has created 55 illustrations using Lego to represent movies, songs, books and more.

Geek In Heels has featured all 55 of them and I can recommend having a look and see how many you can figure out. Here are my six favourite ones:

Yellow Submarine

Kill Bill

Peter Pan

Moby Dick


Stairway To Heaven

Via Geek In Heels

The British Museum is one of my favourite spots in London. I’ve wandered around the exhibitions for hours and it’s high time I pay another visit. The most famous piece there has to be the Rosetta Stone. It’s definitely a favourite of mine; it’s just a perfect geeky artefact, combining ancient history and decoding.

So of course I’m completely adoring this cuff bracelet from Jezebel Charms ($40):


The only problem: I don’t wear bracelets. They’re too annoying if you’re behind your laptop the entire day, plus I never can find ones that fit my tiny wrists. I wish they’d make earrings or a necklace with the Rosetta Stone print…

I don’t think I’ve ever done an eye exam with this type of tree chart (they always use slides with rows of 4 letters at my optician), but I still love these tights from Nylon Journal. They’re $27 and come in black on white or white on black.


Their barcode tights are also quite geeky, but I wonder how many people would try to “scan” you if you’d wear these ($24):


The last pair that I really like are these New York subway tights ($44):


I just wish they’d be for the London Underground! Hmmmm, I wonder if those maybe exist already? *goes off to google* Pillows, yes. Aprons, yes. Quilt, yes. But no tights it seems…

Tags: Fashion, Geeky

I’ve always been a geek. I’ve always been a girl. Neither of those two things will ever change.

I’m not really sure why, but I’ve stayed away from blogging about being a girl in the tech/game-blogging/movie-blogging industry, leaving it to those that can write more eloquently than me. But I shouldn’t. I still experience weird situations that leave me puzzled as to why they happen, and I should be blogging about those.

Throughout my entire life I’ve had to prove that I am a geek, encountering men and boys that didn’t believe a woman could know about or would be interested in geeky stuff.

I remember being seven years old, having just discovered a new TV show: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. At school, I overheard a couple of boys discussing the theme song. They couldn’t remember the lines, though, so I jumped in and sang the entire song for them. They were so baffled that a girl would watch that show that they didn’t believe those were the real lyrics.

I remember in high school being told that math and physics were too difficult for girls. That I should choose something more appropriate like biology or history.

I remember being at university, studying Computer Science and finishing a tricky assignment which the student assistant had just approved. I was quite proud of myself until I overheard that same student assistant say to another student “If SHE can do it, you definitely can.”

I hate that those things happened. I regret that I didn’t have more guts at the time to turn around and say “You. Are. Wrong.” But those experiences made me who I am today. My response to all those things was to be the best I could be — and to prove to everyone that I was smart enough to do anything a guy could do.

All of the above events happened more than ten years ago, so I can forgive most of those remarks and hope those people know better now. But these type of things STILL happen. I still experience prejudice just because I’m a woman.

A couple of times now at Forbidden Planet, a massive comic and sci/fantasy book store in London, I’ll be browsing and guys will approach and hit on me. The hitting on random girls at bookstores is a separate issue, but why do almost all of them start with “Are you buying a present for someone?” Seriously. You don’t think that just maybe I’m there because I’m interested in it myself?

At tech events, I’ve noticed that what I wear really makes a difference. If I’m wearing a geeky T-shirt and jeans/shorts, everything will be fine. When I’m wearing a pretty dress and nice makeup though, then the comments start. I’ll be at a hackday and someone will ask “Are you doing the marketing for this team?”. Or I’ll be at an event for bloggers and someone will assume I’m one of “the PR girls”.

A few months ago I was at a PR party and I met a girl who was wearing the standard geek uniform of jeans and a t-shirt. She remarked to me that she wished she had put on a dress — but she had to go to a Facebook developer event earlier that evening, so needed to wear jeans and t-shirt or else not be taken seriously. Do we truly still work in an industry where it matters what we wear? Are jeans and T-shirt our industry’s suit and tie, and are we really ignoring those that don’t conform to the industry’s uniform? Whatever happened to geeks allowing you to be whoever you wanted to be?

From what I’ve experienced so far, the games industry is a whole lot worse. No, let me get that right: the game blogging industry. At almost every game blogging/press event I’ve gone to, I’ve had male attendees (bloggers/PRs/game developers) stare wide-eyed at me and exclaim: “OMG. You’re a girl. Girls don’t like games.” They’ll either try to dissect how this strange creature got into gaming or disregard everything I’m saying. I can’t get over the fact that some people still don’t realize that, yes, girls play games too. And, yes, we like the same games guys like too. Girls are part of your readership/consumer base/target audience. Don’t ignore them.

All these incidents happend to me within the past year. I tend not to react, to “ignore” them, but actually? They annoy the hell out of me. And I’m not the only one that they happen to.

So I’m going to write about them more. And I want to hear from you all what you’ve been through.

I am “Miss Geeky”. I am a geek. And I am a girl. I’ll have moments of extreme geekiness, but I’ll also have moments of extreme girliness. I like makeup and pretty dresses and jewellery, and me liking those does not make me any less of a geek. I will not change what I like or what I wear purely to fit in and conform to people’s idea of the “geeky girl”. I will write more about this stuff, because everything I’ve talked about here shouldn’t be happening. Geeky girls have always been around. Just because you didn’t notice us doesn’t mean we weren’t there.

And it doesn’t mean you can ignore us now.

Video of The Day: R’ha

January 18th, 2013

This is an awesome short movie. And quite amazing considering it’s written, directed and animated by 1 guy:

Me Wantz: Floppytable

January 15th, 2013

I always had this idea that when I was grownup and rich, I’d have this huge mansion with different special rooms: a bean bag room for watching movies and hacking, a huge high-ceiling library with a balcony that you can only reach through a hidden door, a retro gaming room filled with old consoles and arcade machines. I think this Floppytable would fit perfectly in that latter one!


I love all the little details of the table; it does look exactly like a floppy. It was designed by Neulent van Exel and if you like you can order one from his website.

Time to announce the winners of my two Christmas Giveaways! There were some great comments left behind on both posts with your favourite musicals and favourite Christmas presents. I bet you’re all curious to hear who’s won…

The first giveaway winner will receive a Les Miserables Gift Pack, which includes the Les Mis movie soundtrack, a $25 Visa gift card, a t-shirt and a journal.

Drumroll, please! The winner is:


She left a comment behind about her favourite musical:

How can I only choose 1? I have 3 that immediately spring to mind – and they’re all slightly comedic ones rather than anything serious. So Who Wants to be a Millionaire from high Society and 2 from Singin’ In the Rain – Make ‘Em Laugh and Singin In the Rain. Given my faves are all comedic, really looking forward to how they are going to present Master of the House!

The second giveaway winner will get a copy of Redshirts by John Scalzi.

And the winner is:

Elisa Nuckle!

Her comment was:

I got a spiffy ergonomic keyboard this year, and it’s been awesome for my wrists, which do trouble me sometimes. Also a new Kindle cover that is perfect. I hear great things about this book and have been meaning to pick it up. 🙂

Congrats, to both winners! Your prizes will be with you soon. Enjoy! For those of you that didn’t win, why not try out my latest giveaway for Babylon 5 DVDs?

Tags: Contest, Geeky

Video Of The Day: Catzilla

January 7th, 2013

I love the style of this short video; it almost feels like a video game: