This 6 minute clip showing the visualization and “audibilization” of sorting algorithms is so mesmerising (and a great way to grasp how sorting algorithms work):

The algorithms are: selection sort, insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort, heap sort, radix sort (LSD), radix sort (MSD), std::sort (intro sort), std::stable_sort (adaptive merge sort), shell sort, bubble sort, cocktail shaker sort, gnome sort, bitonic sort and 30 seconds of bogo sort.

Thanks to Matt for pointing this out to me!

I saw this dress a few weeks back at Joy and once I realized it had Delft in its name, I just knew I had to get it! I’m also currently in Delft (checking out wedding venues), so obviously I had to wear it here and finally blog about it.


The dress has a 50s style cut with a cool double strap neckline; you can’t really see it properly on that photo, but it definitely makes the dress more unique!

You can currently get the Hilarion Delft from the Joy Store for £59.

I recently bought two tees from TeeFury (La Petite Sorcière et Le Chat Noir and Big Friend) and it turns out the base design of both of those are featured in today’s TeeFury Battle!

I didn’t think another Le Chat Noir variation could beat my Kiki’s delivery Service one, but Toothless is so adorable:


Then there’s the My Neighbour Totoro inspired Toothless one as well (although this time I think my Bioshock version wins)


Like them? Both tees are only on TeeFury for the next 5 hours!

Miss Geeky Elsewhere:

  • Interview at FutureBook Hack: I was a judge and mentor at FutureBook Hack and got interviewed about hackdays!
  • Running the British 10K: This Sunday I’ll be running the British 10K! I’m kind of dreading it by now. I’m running better than I did last year, but I still haven’t managed to hit 10k yet (I did 5k last weekend… just). We’re raising money for Computer Aid, a great charity that refurbishes old computers for non-profits and schools.
  • Why run an internal hackday: I wrote my first post on the FutureLearn blog about how and why we ran our first internal hackday.
  • My slides from Ladies Who Code: A couple weeks back I gave a talk at Ladies Who Code about my win at #AgileHack. Here are the slides:

Interesting links


Tags: Geeky, Links

Me Wantz: Book on Book

July 11th, 2014

This is such a simple idea, but so handy! I need one of these:


Book on Book is a transparent acrylic book weight that will keep you book open to the page that you want. I’ve can so see my self using this, especially when you’re trying to eat food and read a book at the same time!


It’s available for ¥6,490 (~£47) from the Japanese online store BuddyTools.

Tags: Books

I had seen this video a few weeks back, but it came up again in conversation this evening:

Ever since I found out that Brandon Sanderson would finish Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series, I’ve been curious to see how his own series are. I still haven’t gotten around to actually finishing the Wheel of Time, mainly cause it feels like I need to start completely at the beginning (again).

I had already read one standalone novel from Sanderson, Elantris, but turns out it’s not completely a standalone… It’s part of an epic 36 book series, all set in the universe of Cosmere. Each book/series he writes is set on a unique world, but that world is set in the same Cosmere universe. All of the books share a single creation myth, a single cosmology and are connected by an overarching story.


After hearing that I knew I had to get my hands on his series Mistborn…


If that’s not enough to convince you, here’s the description of the first book:

A thousand years ago evil came to the land and has ruled with an iron hand ever since. The sun shines fitfully under clouds of ash that float down endlessly from the constant eruption of volcanoes. A dark lord rules through the aristocratic families and ordinary folk are condemned to lives in servitude, sold as goods, labouring in the ash fields.

But now a troublemaker has arrived and there is rumour of revolt. A revolt that depends on criminal that no-one can trust and a young girl who must master Allomancy – the magic that lies in all metals.

The books are available on for ~£24.

Event Report: PrimeConf

July 9th, 2014

A couple of weeks back I attended PrimeConf, a conference celebrating great British technology and technologists. It was such an inspiring event; I don’t think there was any talk there that I didn’t walk away from thinking I didn’t learn something.

All the talks were recorded and are now online on the PrimeConf site. If you have the time, I’d recommend watching them all! If you don’t, here were my favourite talks:

Welcome To The No-man’s Land Of Technical Leadership – Mazz Mosley

The Makies Ongoing Story – Alice Taylor

Be Your Own Client And Be Happy – Pete Duncanson

Tags: Events, Geeky

This is sadly currently sold out, but I love love love the look of this swimsuit. As I’m not going on a beach holiday this year, I wouldn’t even have the chance to wear that soon, but it looks so cool!

wonder woman swimsuit

The Wonder Woman swimsuit was available on Pinup Girl Clothing for $40: they don’t have it in stock right now, but you can sign up for the waiting list to get notified when they do!

I still love wandering around books shops and libraries. I always find it quite relaxing and calming to be completely surrounded by books, to be able to pick up any book that you see and spend a couple of minutes of getting lost inside a world you previously hadn’t known.

I’ve got some fond memories from Foyles’ flagship store on Charing Cross Road in London. I remember visiting the place on my first trip to London when I was 12/13 years old and discovering a ton of young adult fantasy and scifi books that seemed to be written specially for me. It’s sad to see that store closing, but thankfully they’re moving only a couple minutes down the road: